Friday, September 24, 2010

Book Name - Caraka Samhita (7 vols): Text in Sanskrit with English translation

Author - Dr. Ramkaran Sharma


Vol. I. Sutra Sthana:

    • Introduction/Alex Wayman
    • Foreword/Pandit Shiv Sharma
    • Preface.
    1. Quest for longevity (Dirghanjivitiya)
    2. Dehusked seeds of Achyranthes Aspera Linn. (Apamargatanduliya)
    3. Cassia Fistula Linn. (Aragvadhiya)
    4. Six hundred purgatives (Sadvirecanasatasritiya)
    5. Quantitative dietetics (Matrasitiya)
    6. Qualitative dietetics (Tasyasitiya)
    7. Non-suppression of natural urges (Navegandharaniya)
    8. Description of sense organs (Indriyopakramaniya)
    9. Brief chapter on the quadruple of therapeutics (Khuddakacatuspada)
    10. Det ailed chapter on the quadruple of therapeutics (Mahacatuspada)
    11. Three basic desires of life (Tisraisaniya)
    12. Merits and demerits of Vata (Vatakalakaliya)
    13. Oleation therapy (Sneha)
    14. Fomentation therapy (Sveda)
    15. Requirements of a physician (Upakalpaniya)
    16. Duties of a qualified physician (Cikitsaprabhrtiya)
    17. Enumeration of diseases relating to head (Kiyantah sirasiya)
    18. Three types of swelling (Trisothiya)
    19. Eight abdominal diseases (Astodariya)
    20. Major chapter on diseases (Maharogadhyaya)
    21. Eight types of undesirable constitution (Astauninditiya)
    22. Reducing and nourishing therapies (Langhanabrmhaniya)
    23. Refreshing regimen (Santarpaniya)
    24. Blood formation and the regimen therefor (Vidhisonitiya)
    25. Origin of man and his diseases (Jajjahpurusiya)
    26. Discourse among Atreya, Bhadrakapya etc., (Atreyabhadrakapiya)
    27. Properties of diet and drinks (Annapanavidhi)
    28. Various types of food and drinks (Vividhasitapitiya)
    29. Ten resorts of life (Dasapranayataniya)
    30. Ten vessels having their roots in the heart (Arthedasamahamuliya)

Vol. II. Nidanasthana-Indriyasthan: I. Nidanasthana:

    1. Diagnosis of fever (Jvara Nidana)
    2. Diagnosis of Raktapitta—a condition characterised by bleeding from various parts of the body (Raktapitta Nidana)
    3. Diagnosis of Gulma or phantom tumour (Gulma Nidana)
    4. Diagnosis of Prameha or obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes mellitus (Prameha Nidana)
    5. Diagnosis of Kustha or obstinate skin diseases including leprosy (Kustha-Nidana)
    6. Diagnosis of consumption (Sosa Nidana)
    7. Diagnosis of insanity (Unmada Nidana)
    8. Diagnosis of epilepsy (Apasmara Nidana). II. Vimanasthana:
    9. Specific attributes of Rasa or tastes (Rasa Vimana)
    10. Specific characteristics of stomach capacity (Trividhakuksiya Vimana)
    11. Epidemics (Janapadodhvamsaniya Vimana)
    12. Determination of factors for understanding diseases (Trividha roga visesavijnaniya Vimana)
    13. Channels of circulation (Sroto Vimana)
    14. Specific characteristics of diseases (Roganika Vimana)
    15. Specific characteristics of patients (Vyadhitarupiya Vimana)
    16. Specific requirements of treatment (Rogabhisagjitiya Vimana). III. Sarira Sthana:
    17. Empirical soul (Katidhapurusiya Sarira)
    18. Embryological development (Atulyagotriya Sarira)
    19. Formation of embryo (Khuddika Garbhavakranti Sarira)
    20. Formation of embryo (Mahati Garbhavakranti Sarira)
    21. Individual and universe (Purusavicaya Sarira)
    22. Constitution of physique (Sariravicaya Sarira)
    23. Enumeration of organs (Sarirasamkhya Sarira)
    24. Method of procreation (Jatisutriya Sarira). IV. Indriyasthana:
    25. Changes in complexion and voice indicating imminent death (Varna svariya Indriya)
    26. Changes in odour indicating imminent death (Puspitaka Indriya)
    27. Tacticle changes indicating imminent death (Parimarsaniya Indriya)
    28. Characteristic features of sense organs indicating imminent death (Indriyanika Indriya)
    29. Premonitory symptoms of diseases indicating imminent death (Purvarupiya Indriya)
    30. Physical features of patients indicating imminent death (Katamani Saririya Indriya)
    31. Conditions of pupil indicating imminent death (Pannarupiya Indriya)
    32. Inverted shadow indicating imminent death (Avak Sirasiya Indriya)
    33. Coloration of eyes indicating imminent death (Yasya Syava Nimittiya Indriya)
    34. Signs indicative of impending sudden death (Sadyo Maraniya Indriya)
    35. Diminution of bodily heat indicating imminent death (Anu Jyotiya Indriya)
    36. Appearance of a substance resembling cowdung powder indicating imminent death (Gomaya Curniya Indriya)

Vol. III. Cikitsa Sthana Chap. I-XIV: I. Cikitsasthanam:

    1. A. Rejuvenation therapy Rasayanadhyaya first Pada: dealing with Terminalia Chebula and Emblica officinalis
      B. Rejuvenation therapy beginning with the term Pranakama (Rasayanadhyaya second Pada)
      C. Rejuvenation therapy dealing with by the administration of Amalaki (Rasayanadhyaya third Pada)
      D. Rejuvenation therapy dealing with original propagation of Ayurveda (Rasayanadhyaya 4 chapter)
    2. A. Aphrodisiacs dealing with Samyoga Saramula (Vajikaranadhyaya first Pada)
      B. Aphrodisiacs dealing with Asikta Ksirika (Vajikaranadhyaya second Pada)
      C. Aphrodisiacs Vajikaranadhyaya third Pada dealing with Masaparnabhrtiya
      D. Aphrodisiacs Vajikaranadhyaya fourth Pada dealing with Pumanjatabaladika
    3. Section of the treatment of disease (treatment of Jvara)
    4. Treatment of Rakta Pitta
    5. Treatment of Phatom tumour (Gulma)
    6. Treatment of obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes (Prameha)
    7. Treatment of Kustha
    8. Treatment of Rajayaksma or tuberculosis
    9. Treatment of Unmada (insanity)
    10. Treatment of epilepsy (Apasmar)
    11. Treatment of Phthisis (Ksaya)
    12. Treatment of Svayathu (Oedema)
    13. Treatment of Udararoga
    14. Treatment of piles (Arsas)

Vol. IV. Cikitsa Sthan Chap. XV-XXVI: I. Cikitsasthana:

    1. Treatment of Grahani Dosa (Sprue-syndrome)
    2. Treatment of Pandu (Anemia)
    3. Treatment of Hikka and Svasa (Hiccup and Asthma)
    4. Treatment of Kasa (Bronchitis)
    5. Treatment of Atisara (Diarrhoea)
    6. Treatment of Chardi (vomiting)
    7. Treatment of Visarpa (Erysipelas and Herpes)
    8. Treatment of Trsna (morbid thirst)
    9. Treatment of visa (poisoning)
    10. Treatment of Madatyaya (alcoholism)
    11. Treatment of Dvivraniya (ulcers)
    12. Treatment of Trimarmiya (afflictions of three vital organs)

Vol. V. Cikitsa Sthana Chap. XXVII-XXX: I. Cikitsa-Sthana:

    1. Treatment of Urustambha (spasticity of the thighs)
    2. Treatment of diseases caused by Vayu (Vata-Vyadhi)
    3. Treatment of Vata-Rakta or gout and arthritis
    4. Treatment of gynecic, seminal and lacteal morbidities

Vol. VI. Kalpa and Siddhi Sthana: I. Kalpasthana:

    1. Pharmaceutics of Madana
    2. Pharmaceutics of Jimutaka
    3. Pharmaceutics of Iksvaku
    4. Pharmaceutics of Dhamargava
    5. Pharmaceutics of Vatsaka
    6. Pharmaceutics of Krtavedhana
    7. Pharmaceutics of Syama-Trivrt
    8. Pharmaceutics of Caturangula
    9. Pharmaceutics of Tilvaka
    10. Pharmaceutics of Sudha
    11. Pharmaceutics of Saptala-Sankhini
    12. Pharmaceutics of Danti and Dravanti. II. Siddhi Sthana (section on successful administration of therapeutic measures):
    13. Procedure for successful administration of Panca-Karma
    14. Description of indications and contra-indications for successful administration of Panca-Karma therapy
    15. Perfection in treatment through knowledge of Basti-principles
    16. Complications of unctuous enema and their successful management
    17. Complications of defective nozzle, etc., and their treatment
    18. Complications of wrongly administered emetic and purgation therapies and their successful treatment
    19. Complications of enema therapy and their treatment
    20. Recipes for Niruha
    21. Diseases of vital organs and their treatment
    22. Effective recipes of medicated enema
    23. Determination of appropriate drugs for enema and its veterinary dosage
    24. Excellent enema recipes

Vol. VII. Sloka-Index.

The Caraka Samhita occupies a very important place in the history of world’s medical science. But this work is quit difficult to understand to those who are not well accustomed with the particular style of Sanskrit in which it is written. Hence, an authentic translation was a desideratum.

The present translation is not only the result of painful labour of two renowned scholars, but it comprises valuable extracts from the famous commentary of Cakrapanidatta, rendered into English.

This is the most profound and most popular of the classical Ayurvedic texts. This is by far the finest ever expoundation of the text by the renowned Vaidya, Vaidya Bhagwan Dash. It is very insightfully written and translated and commentated on. It covers the complete medical wisdom of the Vedic era with profound understandings of illness and remedies, diet, regimens, lifestyle, the effects of various activities, how to live a good and rightous life. Indeed it is one of the most profound medical and scientific texts ever written. There is much scope for further exploration, for self-inquiry for medical insights into diseases yet "understood" by modern science.


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